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Field templates

Which fields a defined user is allowed to see / edit is defined in field templates by activating the corresponding checkboxes.

The following actions are possible for field templates:

Field templates

The image shows the field templates: (1) navigation, (2) button Groups, (3) button Edit Edit, (4) a list with all field templates, (5) button Add Add, (6) buttons with options for export and import

The two buttons Edit Edit and Add Add open the editor, which is used to edit the field template.

If the function *Groups is active, the field templates can be organized into groups for simplified management.


Changes in system settings often only take effect when a restart is carried out after closing the system settings (menu item under the button with the user name at the top right, see also introduction).

Add a field template

To add a field template, click the button Add Add.

Enter a template name and deactivate the checkboxes of the fields that should not be visible or whose content cannot be edited.

You can restrict the selection of fields displayed using the filter at the bottom or by selecting the record type at the top right.

Table with all elements of the editor
Name Meaning Note
button Create template add new template
button Load template load existing template
field Template name name to identify the field template
checkboxes "select all" select or deselect all field names
select Record type restrict the list of displayed field names to the fields that are used in a record type
checkbox Visibility should this field be displayed? default is visible
checkbox Edit field content can this field content be edited? default is can be edited
field Filter search list of displayed field names
button Delete template deletion is only possible if the field template is not used by a user
button Create copy use the currently open field template as a template for a new field template
button Save template

Edit a field template

Edit field template

The image shows the editor: (1) button Create template Add, (2) button Load template Load, (3) field Template name, (4) checkboxes, to select or deselect everything, (5) selection to restrict the list of field names to fields that are used in a record type, (6) checkbox for the visibility of a field, (7) checkbox for the editable nature of a field, (8) field Filter, to search for field names, (9) footer with buttons Delete template Delete,Create copy Copy, Save template Save

Edit all elements as required.

Table with all elements of the editor
Name Meaning Note
button Create template add new template
button Load template load existing template
field Template name name to identify the field template
checkboxes "select all" select or deselect all field names
select Record type restrict the list of displayed field names to the fields that are used in a record type
checkbox Visibility should this field be displayed? default is visible
checkbox Edit field content can this field content be edited? default is can be edited
field Filter search list of displayed field names
button Delete template deletion is only possible if the field template is not used by a user
button Create copy use the currently open field template as a template for a new field template
button Save template

Duplicate a field template

A field template can be used as a template for another field template. For this purpose, click the button Create copy in the editor and edit the template as required.

If the template name is not changed, the new field template is saved as Copy of X.

Table with all elements of the editor
Name Meaning Note
button Create template add new template
button Load template load existing template
field Template name name to identify the field template
checkboxes "select all" select or deselect all field names
select Record type restrict the list of displayed field names to the fields that are used in a record type
checkbox Visibility should this field be displayed? default is visible
checkbox Edit field content can this field content be edited? default is can be edited
field Filter search list of displayed field names
button Delete template deletion is only possible if the field template is not used by a user
button Create copy use the currently open field template as a template for a new field template
button Save template

Delete a field template

A field template is deleted in the editor. For this purpose, click the button Delete template in the footer.

A field template can only be deleted if it is not being used by a user.

Organize field templates into groups

If the function Groups is active, the record types can be organized into groups for simplified management.

The following actions are possible:


The actions are shown using the example Field management.

Fields into groups

The image shows the field administration with active groups: (1) button Activate groups, (2) button Add group Add group, (3) button Assign selected entries to group Assign selected entries to group, (4) fields from the currently active group

Create a group

Create group

The image shows the field administration with active groups

Create user-defined groups

  1. click the button Add group Add group

    A new row will be added:

    new group line

  2. enter the name of the group (1)

  3. click the button (2) Save Save

    The list with the group names will be updated, the group has been sorted alphabetically.

Rename a group

  1. click the group you want to edit

    The button Edit Edit will appear.

    The image shows the group that can be edited:

    Edit group

  2. click the button Edit Edit

    The element can be edited or deleted.

    The image shows the edit possibilities of the group:

    Edit group

  3. edit the group name

  4. click the button (1) Save Save (or Cancel)

    The list with the group names will be updated, the group has been sorted alphabetically.

Delete a group

  1. click the group you intend to edit

    The button Edit Edit will appear.

    The image shows the group that can be edited:

    Edit group

  2. click the button Edit Edit

    The element can be edited.

    The image shows the edit possibilities of the group:

    Edit element

  3. click the button Delete Delete

    The following confirmation window opens:

    Confirmation to delete the group

  4. click the button Yes (or No)

    The group will be deleted and the list of groups will be updated.

    Links of elements to this group are automatically deleted.

Add elements to a group

Add elements to a group

(1) selected group with selected elements you want to add to another group, (2) button Assign selected entries to the group Assign selected entries to group to assign the selected elements to this group

  1. select a group (1) from which you want to add elements to another group

  2. select all the elements you want to add to the group

  3. click the button (2) Assign selected items to group Assign selected items to group of the new group

    The elements are added to the group.

An element can belong to several groups.

Remove elements from a group

Remove elements from a group

(1) selected group with selected elements to be removed from the group, (2) button Remove selected entries from group remove selected entries from group to remove the selected elements from the group

  1. click the group (1) from which you want to remove elements

  2. select all the elements you want to remove from the group

  3. click the button (2) Remove selected items from group remove selected items from group of the group

    The elements will be removed from the group.

Export and import field templates

The following exports and imports are possible for field templates:

Each export is only carried out for selected rows in the list of field templates.

Image with buttons for export and import

Export templates

The image shows the export and import buttons: (1) checkbox to select row, (2) button Export selected data as CSV CSV-Export, (3) button Export selected Export, (4) button Import Import

Export selected data as CSV file

Image with buttons for export and import

Export templates

The image shows the export and import buttons: (1) checkbox to select row, (2) button Export selected data as CSV CSV-Export, (3) button Export selected Export, (4) button Import Import

  1. select the rows you want to export

  2. click the button Export selected data as CSV CSV export

    The CSV file will be downloaded and saved in the download folder (or the folder that was set for it in the browser).

    The file name will be generated automatically and will be called #Field templates.csv.

A list with the following information will be exported:

Column Meaning Note
template name name of the field template
group name of the group(s) of the field template
last edit time of last edit
last editor user ID of the last editor

Export selected templates

Field templates that have been exported in this way can be imported back into a CortexEngine.

Image with buttons for export and import

Export templates

The image shows the export and import buttons: (1) checkbox to select row, (2) button Export selected data as CSV CSV-Export, (3) button Export selected Export, (4) button Import Import

  1. select the rows you want to export

  2. click the button Export selected.

    The following window opens:

    Export templates

    A .tar file will be downloaded and saved in the download folder (or the folder that was set for this in the browser).

    The file name will be generated automatically.

Import templates

Exported templates from another CortexEngine can be imported into the current CortexEngine using the Import button.

Image with buttons for export and import

Export templates

The image shows the export and import buttons: (1) checkbox to select row, (2) button Export selected data as CSV CSV-Export, (3) button Export selected Export, (4) button Import Import

  1. click the button Import

    The following window opens:

    Import fields

  2. click the button Select file

    A window with a file folder opens.

  3. select a file

    The following formats are suitable for import

    • .tar
    • .tar.gz
    • #Vfd.ctxexp
  4. click the button Import

    The following window opens (as an example: importing a .tar file):

    Status of the import

  5. click the button Close.

    The list with all field templates will be displayed again.