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Reporter definition

List of reporter definitions

Reporters are a special field type. They are filled automatically and are unlike simple fields not edited directly by the user.

Field synonyms of reporters always begin with a ?.


Changes in system settings often only take effect when a restart is carried out after closing the system settings (menu item under the button with the user name at the top right, see also introduction).

Add a reporter definition

Add field

You can create a new reporter definition above the list with the button Add Add.

This will open the reporter editor.

Alternatively, use the + button in the reporter editor:

Add reporter

Edit a reporter definition

Edit field

Click the button Edit Edit to edit a reporter definition.

The reporter editor opens.

Alternatively, a reporter definition can be selected for editing by clicking the button Load reporter Reporter in the reporter editor:

Edit reporter


Updates or new creations are only active after re-initialization in CortexAdmin.

Delete a reporter definition

Delete field

To delete a reporter definition open it for editing and delete it with the button Delete Delete in the reporter editor.


You cannot delete a reporter if it is used in a record type!

Global variables

Global variables

Enables the creation of globally available variables for use in JavaScript V8 code.

Reporter editor

Reporter editor

The reporter editor is used to

reporter definitions.

Definition active

Editor definition active

The reporter will only be taken into account when re-initializing the CortexAdmin if it is active!

Time stamp

Editor time stamp active


Editor field name

A freely selectable name for the reporter. This is used by users to identify the reporter and should therefore be as descriptive as possible.


Editor field number

Reporter type

Editor selection reporter type

Defines what this reporter refers to:

Type Description
s Reporter for own record: reporter refers to fields in the record currently being viewed.
@ Reporter to referenced record: reporter refers to fields of a record referenced in the currently open record.
F Reporter for field dictionary: reporter refers to the contents of all fields of a specific record type.


Some attributes are not available for all reporter types.

Reference field

Editor button reference field

Trigger synonym

Editor button trigger synonym

Determines which field triggers the (re)evaluation of the values to be calculated.

Trigger value

Editor field trigger value

Defines the value that is required in the field with trigger synonym to trigger the (re)evaluation.

Source quantity from

Editor selection source quantity

The data required for the calculation of the reporter can be determined either with the help of JavaScript or by specifying a synonym.

JavaScript V8 code

Editor field script editor

Values of the reporter can be determined using JavaScript. Only valid JavaScript is accepted.

The following functions are available in the reporter to access CortexEngine content:

Function Signature Description
Information on fields
HrIId () returns the IId of the currently loaded CortexEngine container
HrSyn (nPos) returns the synonym of the nth field in the container
HrFid (sSyn, nPos) returns the field (repetition) ID for the nth repetition of a field
HrFidCnt ([ sSyn ]) returns the number of fields in the container or returns the number of repetitions of a field
HrTyp (sSyn [, sFid ]) returns the basic field type to a synonym
HrHasIId (sIId24) compares the transferred (24-digit) IId with that of the loaded container
Read field contents
HrChar (sSyn [, sFid ]) returns the content of the character field from the Cortex container
HrCharJSOn (sSyn [, sFid ] [, nTime ]) returns the history information of a char field in the form of a JSON object
HrDouble (sSyn [, sFid ]) returns the content of the character field from the Cortex container as a float number
HrDoubleJSOn (sSyn [, sFid ] [, nTime ]) returns the history information of a double field in the form of a JSON object
HrInt224 (sSyn [, sFid ]) returns the content of the character field from the Cortex container as a positive integer
HrInt224JSOn (sSyn [, sFid ] [, nTime ]) returns the history information of an integer field in the form of a JSON object
HrLink (sSyn [, sFid ]) returns the content of a reference field as a JSON object. For valid references with the elements "t" = "@", "i" = 24-digit IId and "r" = Remainder of the field content. For invalid references: "t": "!" and "c": field content
HrLinkJSOn (sSyn [, sFid ] [, nTime ]) returns the history information of a reference field in the form of a JSON object
HrAnsi (sSyn [, sFid ]) returns a field content, which is converted to UTF8 via the ANSI code page.
HrRaw (sSyn [, sFid ]) returns a field content, this is converted directly to UTF8.
String functions
HrStrGetLen (sStr) returns the string length in bytes of a UTF8 string
HrStrSetLen (sStr, nMaxLen) limits a UTF8 string to the transferred maximum length in bytes, taking into account the multibyte limits of the UTF8 characters
HrTs2Dt (nTimeStamp) converts a timestamp into a date
HrDt2Ts (sDateStr) converts a date into a timestamp
HrStr2IId (sIId24) converts a 24-digit IId to 12-digit format and returns it as a UTF8 string
HrIId2Str (sIId12) converts an IId from UTF8 format to a 24-character IId

Global JS variables

Editor global JS variables active

Determines whether this reporter has access to the global JS variables.


Editor button synonym

Values from fields with the synonym X are displayed as a list.


Editor filter

The result can be restricted by one or more filters. Filtering can be based on the field configured in synonym or on other fields.


The fields used for filtering must originate from the same record type as the field configured in synonym!

Return value

Editor return value

Determines what type of value is returned by this reporter. See also field types.

Target reporter field

Editor target reporter field

Defines the synonym under which the reporter definition can be found in field listings (e.g. for unused fields in the record type editor).


The synonym must not exceed 6 characters.

Export reporter definitions as CSV file

Selected reporter definitions from the list can be exported.

Export reporter definition

The image shows the list with all reporter definitions: (1) checkbox to select row, (2) button Export selected data as CSV CSV-Export

  1. select the rows you want to export

  2. click the button Export selected data as CSV CSV export

    The CSV file will be downloaded and saved in the download folder (or the folder that was set for it in the browser).

    The file name will be generated automatically and will be called #Reporter definitions.csv.

A list with the following information will be exported:

Column Meaning Note
active Y(es) oder N(o)
type options:
@=reporter to referenced record
S=reporter for own record
F=reporter for field dictionary
name name of the reporter
time stamp Y(es) oder N(o)
syn e.g. synonym of the system field in Trigger synonym
target reporter field