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Start page

The start page is displayed directly after login. The two elements quick launch bar and start tab are configured in the system settings and assigned to the respective users.

Overview of the start page

 Start page after login

The image shows the start page for CarService Demodata with a reduced start tab: (1) button for information about the Uniplex, (2) hamburger menu menu, (3) button Select via list definition search, (4) button Add add to create a new record, (5) name of the open data inventory, (6) search with input field, (7) button with user name in the header, (8) quick start bar with plugins, (9) elements of the start tab

All elements of the start page
Name Meaning Note
information about the Uniplex information about version
button hamburger menu Menu selection of core functions in the Uniplex
button Select via list definition Search preconfigured search the button is only displayed once a selection has been configured
button Add Add to create a new record
name of the opened data inventory information on the currently open data inventory and licensee
search with input field searching the data inventory using different methods
button with login name contains selection menu for window settings:
window settings
save settings
change password
log out
quick launch bar access to installed plugins configuration in the system settings
start tab enables quick access to frequently used elements of the Uniplex configuration in the system settings

The start tab can be replaced using the start portal if the starting template is removed in the system settings under user.

Information about the Uniplex

When you click on this button, general information on the version of the Uniplex used is available and many configurations are summarized here as well.

Information about Uniplex

The image shows the Uniplex information window: (1) version of Uniplex, (2) license owner, (3) serial number, (4) user name, (5) login name, (6) user Id, (7) assigned user group(s), (8) web admin, (9) active role system, (10) assigned user template, (11) assigned field template, (12) assigned starting templates, (13) assigned plugin templates, (14) rights for Edit lists, (15) rights for Edit selections, (16) rights for Delete records, (17) rights for Bulk deletion of records, (18) rights for Use field dictionary, (19) licenses, (20) license expiration date, (21) interface version, (22) server version, (23) server, (24) port, (25) button display changes, (26) button ok

Overview of all information
Name Meaning Note
Version of the Uniplex
license owner
serial number
user name configuration under user administration
login name is defined when a new user is created
user Id is assigned by the system
user group(s) configuration under user administration
web admin is defined when a new user is created
active role system possibility to restrict rights to edit and view a record to a few users configuration under user administration
user template assigned template for the user configuration under user administration, configuration of the template itself under user templates
field template assigned template for the user configuration under user administration, configuration of the template itself under field templates
starting templates assigned template for the user configuration under user administration, configuration of the template itself under starting templates
plugin template assigned template for the user configuration under user administration, configuration of the template itself under plugin templates
edit lists configuration under user templates
edit selections configuration under user templates
delete records configuration under user templates
bulk deletion of records configuration under user templates
use field dictionary configuration under user templates
licenses information on how many of the available licenses have already been activated. e.g. 6 activated out of 20 available licenses
license expiry date duration to which the license is valid
interface version
server version
server IP-address of the engine
button Display changes opens changelog
Excerpt from the changelog

Changelog of Uniplex

The image shows the beginning of the changelog.

Hamburger menu

The core functions in the Uniplex can be accessed using the hamburger menu.

Selection under hamburger menu

The image shows the selection under the hamburger menu: (1) record type overview, (2) global dictionary, (3) portal, (4) dashboard, (5) news editor, (6) system settings

An additional entry News is displayed as soon as news are available.

All elements of the hamburger menu
Name Meaning Note
record types overview open overview with all record types that contain at least one record
global dictionary open global dictionary
portal open an existing portal / load is only displayed if at least one portal has been configured
The portal that was set as start portal is displayed.
dashboard open dashboard is only displayed if at least one dashboard has been configured
news editor create or load new news
news overview of all news with the option of marking (individual) news as read
system settings configuration of the Uniplex

Select via list definition

A customer-specific search definition is selected in the select via list definition.

The button is only displayed if at least one search has been configured using Selection via list definition.

Button with login name

The button shows the current login name of the current user and the remaining time until the automatic session end/logout. The time is reset to the start value as soon as work is started in the Uniplex.

Clicking on the button opens a selection:

Button with login name

The image shows the selection under the button with login name: (1) restart Refresh, (2) window settings Window settings, (3) save settings Save, (4) Change password Password, (5) Log out Logout

All Elements below the button with login name
Name Meaning Note
login name with info on automatic session end (in minutes) configuration of session end under user templates
restart reinitialization of the application (reloading the configurations) changes in system settings often only take effect when a restart is performed after closing the system settings.
window settings options (on/off):
quick launch bar
arrangement reversed
default split at startup
single-window view
save settings the following changes to the window settings are saved and are available when restarting:
arrangement reversed
Default split at startup
change password
log out

Window settings

Standard, inverted, single-window

The image shows the effects of the window settings from left to right, the respective settings can be seen below the screenshot. left: default view, center: inverted view of the default view, right: single-window view

Single-window view with and without quick launch bar

Quick launch bar

The image shows the single-window view with (left) and without (right) the quick launch bar

Setting Meaning Note
quick launch bar The bar on the left side with plugin buttons is displayed or hidden.
default view The left half of the window shows a record, the right half the record type overview.
default window split The default split after calling up a 2nd area is 50:50 (e.g. Record view on the left and Record type overview on the right). If required, the window width can be changed to a narrow and a wide window by moving the gray separator with the mouse. When hovering over the separator, the division in percent is displayed, e.g. 55 % <> 45 %.
arrangement reversed If two areas are visible in the window, the left half of the window shows the record type overview, the right half shows a Record view. has no effect on one-window view and quick launch bar
single-window view All elements such as start, record view, record type overview, field dictionary are displayed as tabs in a large window.

Quick launch bar with plugins

Generally, the following plugins are available with the corresponding license:

  • portal ADM (portal configuration)
  • dashboard (configure the dashboard for the graphical display of pivot content)
  • bulk delete (delete several records from a list at the same time)
  • import (simple creation of an import configuration for carrying out data imports)
  • linker (creation of link structures between records)

Start tab

The starting template defines the start tab, which is displayed immediately after login and cannot be closed. The start tab may contain buttons with certain important and recurring functions so that these functions can be accessed very easily and quickly. You can group these functions by sections.

The start tab is configured in the system settings.