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Pivot tables

Pivot tables are a convenient way of clearly displaying and analyzing data from lists. They allow information to be grouped and summarized based on various criteria. A list can contain several pivot tables, each of which offers different perspectives of the data. When you save a list, the respective pivot tables are also saved.

The basis for the pivot display is a so-called cross table. This arranges the data in rows and columns and lets you perform various calculations at the intersections of the table, such as the quantity, the sum or the average.

Example cross table
Female Male Total
Article A 200 300 500
Article B 220 250 470
Article C 130 350 480
Article D 420 120 540
Summe 970 1020 1990

The table shown here shows the number of sales grouped by article and gender. The fields are divided into row, column and result fields. The number is then determined in the result fields.

Pivot tables can be used to carry out comprehensive analyses within Uniplex. This provides direct access to the most up-to-date data in the data inventory and reduces exports to other systems to a minimum.

You need a preconfigured list for a pivot analysis; a simple, single-row list or a preconfigured portal is all you need as a starting point. All the information required for the pivot table must therefore be available in one row of this list. Both data from the existing records and computed fields can be used.

Calling up a pivot table

  1. go to list definitions using the list menu in the record type overview. There, click the button Load list definitions Load list definitions and select your desired list definition.
  2. using the search field

  3. open a portal, open a group using the portal list and select the desired list definition

From each of these list definitions, you can access the selection menu Show menu with several selection options. Select Open pivot view Open pivot view.


If you have a big data inventory, not all data will be uploaded. Only the values in your pivot table that are currently shown are calculated. If you want to have all data visible, you need to activate Load data Load data either in the upper or lower area of the tab.

List view

Pivot list view with short description

List view

  1. recalculate pivot table: click this button once the configuration is complete
  2. print pivot table: creates a PDF from the configured table
  3. opens the pivot settings for configuring the fields - when activated, the button changes to Close pivot settings close pivot settings
  4. input field for the name of the pivot table
  5. pivot list from which you can select from various pivot tables, if available.
  6. delete the current pivot table
  7. create a new pivot table
  8. create a copy of the current pivot table (will then appear under consecutive numbering in 4. and should be renamed accordingly)
  9. save pivot table, including configuration and all changes
  10. close pivot view
  11. table view: selection between two views possible

Creating a pivot table from a list definition

You are in your selected list view and the pivot view is open.

  1. click on New pivot table New pivot table and assign a name
  2. activate Add field Add field and define a row field and a data field as a minimum requirement

    Column fields can be defined optionally.

  3. start the calculation with the button Recalculate pivot table Recalculate pivot table


The button Recalculate pivot table Recalculate pivot table only displays your pivot table; you should always save it using the button Save Save list definition.

Edit fields

  • to edit a row, column or data field, click the button Edit Edit field
  • save your edits with the button Save Save list definition
  • you will find advanced options for changing the font color and font size if you select the Adjust style checkbox.

Any changes you make here are displayed with the button Recalculate pivot table Recalculate pivot table! Save the changes with the button Save Save list definition.

  • for further editing, select the button Edit Edit in the list view and continue as described above

    Further editing

    View after saving

  • to add another field, click the button Add Add field

Various functions are available for determining the result for the data fields. You can select whether you want to calculate the number and the number of different contents, the sum, the minimum and maximum or the mean value.

Pivot table

Image: the colored markings show where the information from the configuration is displayed

Pivot lists

When you open the pivot view, the previously saved view is displayed. If no pivot view has been saved for the list view, the display is empty and you can create a new configuration.

Without view

The image shows the list view without pivot view

If you want to call up a previously saved pivot table, you will see the following view:

With view

The image shows the list view with pivot view

After clicking the arrow symbol Select pivot table, the view expands with a drop-down menu from which you can select the desired pivot table:

with dropdown

The image shows the list view with dropdown

  1. select the desired pivot table from this list with the button Load list definitions Load list definitions
  2. call up the result by clicking on the button Recalculate pivot table Recalculate pivot table
  3. by clicking the button Open pivot settings Open pivot settings, you can see the configuration of the fields in the pivot table
  4. this display can be hidden again with the button Close pivot settings Close pivot settings


    Fields view


You can configure several pivot tables for each list. A meaningful name should therefore be used for each one.

View of the pivot table


You can view your pivot table in two different views.

  • Table is the usual display of a pivot table
  • Outline groups the values per row field, the total results are displayed for each grouping.

Dashboards can only be configured on the basis of the view Table