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Simple lists


Within Uniplex, lists are one of the main functions for displaying results and content. Simple displays and further functions depend on the configuration of a list via its list definition.

Every output of results and content uses the standard list function.

Lists are used for:

  • result lists for searches and portals as simple list with rows and columns
  • substructured outputs (sublists)
  • sublists with calculated content (JavaScript in lists), which may also be evaluated as pivot table
  • pivot tables for analyzing and evaluating data in lists
  • simple lists with direct link fields for the list selects function

Any number of complex lists with sublists etc. can be created from simple lists.

List results serve as the basis for:

  • displaying the data in dashboards
  • provision of the information in other applications via CortexProtocol
  • bulk deletion of records

Within the lists, similar functions are possible as in Excel, e.g.

  • sorting and filtering
  • summarizing text fields / summing numeric fields

Simple list

Lists are used to display search results or selections, for example. In the simplest form, lists consist of one row per record, with the information displayed in columns. Clicking on a row displays the corresponding record in the other half of the screen.

If no list has been defined yet

If you have not yet defined a list, the selected results can be displayed in a new, empty list, e.g. via

Depending on the permission of the user account (defined in user templates), a user has access to various functions.

List view

The image shows a list view: (1) button Load list definition List definition, (2) selection menu Selection, (3) button Edit Edit, (4) button Refresh records Refresh, (5) button Hide header, (6) button Load a maximum of 50 records, (7) button Enlarge workspace Enlarge workspace, (8) button Move columns active Move columns active or Move separator active Move separator active, (9) button Total row view / single row view Row view, (10) column header with sorting elements, (11) options for column header, (12) button Context action for current row Context action, (13) information on the number of displayed/loaded rows, (14) information on the number of selected rows, (15) button Select all Select all, (16) selection Search column, (17) field Search, (18) information on the number of sources, (19) button Info Info

Table with all elements of the list view
Name Meaning Note
button Load list definition select a different list definition
Selection menu display menu
button Edit edit the existing list definition depending on user permissions
button Reload records
button Hide header hide column headers of the list
button Load a maximum of 50 records
button Enlarge workspace Enlarges the space for the list within the window to the right. A horizontal scrollbar appears and columns can be drawn wider.
button Move separator active / Move columns active adjust column widths
button Total row view / single row view display of the list header single row view shows the column headers of the main list
total row view shows the headers of sublists, additional rows etc.
column header with sorting elements green frame: Sort column in ascending/descending order
yellow frame: when sorting into several columns, the number indicates the order. In the example, first by vehicle type, then within the type by the last day in the workshop and for same day, by day of first registration
Options for column header click on column header to open the options
button Context action for current row object views for the current record type can be opened using this button object views are managed and record types assigned in the system settings.
information on the number of displayed/loaded rows
information on the number of selected rows
button Select all select all rows
select Search column which column will be searched after the entry in the search field
field Search enter the search text for which the selected column is to be searched not case-sensitive, also finds partial content, e.g. inter for sprinter
information number of sources
button Info information on the loading time of the list

Button Move separator active

If you move the separator between two columns, one becomes wider and the other narrower, as the "outer" separators are not affected.

You can also drag the left separator of a column to another position in the list to move the column.

Button Move columns active

All columns to to the right of the separator are moved as a block. The widths of the moved columns remain the same, only the width of the column that is adjusted will change.

Button Total row view / Single row view

Clicking on this button switches the view between total row view incl. sublists and single row view.

Example screenshot for a list without sublist

List head for list without sublist

The image shows on the left: Single row view, right: total row view

Example screenshot for a list with sublist

List head for list with sublist

The image shows on the left: Single row view, right: total row view.

In the total row view, the pairs of numbers show the header and the corresponding rows and the colored lines indicate the column borders.

Selection menu

 Selection menu

The image shows the selection menu of the list view: (1) open pivot view Pivot, (2) create list definition Add, (3) load list definition Load, (4) save list definition as Save as, (5) delete list definition Delete, (6) manage list definitions Edit, (7) export data sets Export, (8) selections Export, (9) print list (PDF) Print, (10) gridlines Gridlines, (11) select Select, (12) remove entries Delete, (13) script overview Edit

Table with all elements of the selection menu
Name Meaning Note
Open pivot view only available in list view
Create list definition add a new list definition
load list definition load an existing list definition
Save list definition as
Delete list definition
Manage list definitions
export records possible options: export all or selected records as CSV or XML file; not relevant in the editor
Selections create extract from a list possible options:
- load selection
- save selection
- delete selection
- edit selections
not relevant in the editor
print list not relevant in the editor
gridlines list view with grid possible options:
- create gridlines
- remove all gridlines
select select list entries possible options:
- select all
- invert selections
- deselect
not relevant in the editor
remove entries selected list entries are temporarily removed from this list view not relevant in the editor
script overview shows available scripts not relevant in the list definition editor


Selections are subsets from a list.

The following actions are possible:

Add a new selection

  1. open a list definition or create a new list view

    If no list has been defined yet

    If you have not yet defined a list, the selected results can be displayed in a new, empty list, e.g. via

  2. mark the entries you want to create a selection for

    Sort or filter the list view as required.

  3. in the selection menu, select Selection Selections and then Save selection

    The following window opens:

    Save selection

    The image shows the dialog for saving a selection: (1) list with the existing selections, (2) field Selection name, (3) buttons Save as / Cancel

  4. enter a selection name

  5. click the button Save as Save as

    The selection, i.e. the list with the previously selected entries, will be displayed.

Notes on working with selections
  • A selection contains records of one record type. Therefore, it should be used with list definitions that were created to use the same record type. This guarantees that field contents from the records of the selection can be displayed.
  • The selection can be edited like a simple list, for example:

Load a selection

  1. open a record (and a compatible list definition to see list entries directly)

  2. in the selection menu, select Selection Selections and then Load selection.

    The following window opens:

    Load selection

    If you click the button Close, the previously opened list view will be displayed again.

  3. click the button with the tick for the desired selection

    The desired selection opens

    Open selection

Notes on working with selections
  • A selection contains records of one record type. Therefore, it should be used with list definitions that were created to use the same record type. This guarantees that field contents from the records of the selection can be displayed.
  • The selection can be edited like a simple list, for example:

Add entries to a selection

  1. open a record (and a compatible list definition to see list entries directly)

  2. mark the entries you want to add to the desired selection

    Sort or filter the list view as required.

  3. in the selection menu, select Selection Selections and then Save selection

    The following window opens:

    Save selection

    The image shows the dialog for saving a selection: (1) list with the existing selections, (2) field Selection name, (3) buttons Save as / Cancel

  4. click the button with the checkmark for the desired selection

    The following window opens:

    Edit selection

  5. click the button Append selection (or Cancel)

    The entries are added to the selection.

    The previously opened list view will be displayed again.

Notes on working with selections
  • A selection contains records of one record type. Therefore, it should be used with list definitions that were created to use the same record type. This guarantees that field contents from the records of the selection can be displayed.
  • The selection can be edited like a simple list, for example:

Delete entries from a selection

  1. open a record

  2. in the selection menu, select Selection Selections and then Load selection

    The following window opens:

    Load selection

    If you click the Close button, the previously opened list view is displayed again.

  3. click the button with the checkmark for the preferred selection

    The required selection opens

    Open selection

  4. mark the entries you want to remove

  5. select in the selection menu Selection Remove entries and then Remove selected entries

    The entries will be removed from the list.

  6. in the footer, click the button Select all Select all

  7. in the selection menu Selection select Selections and then Save selection

    The following window opens

    Save selection

    The image shows the dialog for saving a selection: (1) list with the existing selections, (2) field Selection name, (3) buttons Save as / Cancel

  8. click the button with the checkmark for the selection you want to overwrite

    The following window opens:

    Edit selection

  9. click the button Overwrite selection (or Cancel)

    The updated selection is displayed.

Notes on working with selections
  • A selection contains records of one record type. Therefore, it should be used with list definitions that were created to use the same record type. This guarantees that field contents from the records of the selection can be displayed.
  • The selection can be edited like a simple list, for example:

Delete a selection

You can delete a selection from any list view.

  1. In the selection menu, select Selection Selections and then Delete selection.

    The following window opens:

    Delete selection

    If you click the Close button, the previously opened list view will be displayed again.

  2. click the button with the checkmark for the selection to be deleted

    A dialog box for deletion opens.

  3. click the Yes (or No) button.

    The selection is now deleted.

    The previously opened list view will appear again.

Options for the column header

The following selection opens when you click on a column header:

Select column header

(1) edit column Edit, (2) insert column Add, (3) duplicate column Duplicate, (4) delete column Delete, (5) sort ascending Sort asc., (6) sort descending Sort desc., (7) sum/summary, (8) auto filter Auto filter

Table with all elements in the column header
Name Meaning Note
edit column define column display for the list view editing depends on the permission of the user account
insert column insert a column to the left of the current column only available if the list view is being edited
duplicate column only available if the list view is being edited
delete column only available if the list view is being edited
sort ascending sort list by this column in ascending order
sort descending sort list by this column in ascending order
extended sort ascending sort the list already sorted by at least one column by this additional column in ascending order (within the rows with the same field content in the already sorted column) if the list is sorted by more than one column, a number is displayed in the column headers (1 for the first sort, 2 for the extended sort etc.)
advanced sort descending sort the list of this additional column already sorted by at least one column in descending order (within the rows with the same field content in the already sorted column) if the list is sorted by more than one column, a number is displayed in the column headers (1 for the first sort, 2 for the extended sort, etc.)
remove sorting the column is no longer taken into account for sorting
Sum / Summary summary for all field types, sum for numeric field types possible options:
- Summary
- Summary marked
- Summary unmarked
not relevant in the editor
Auto filter filter list to reduce number of rows not relevant in editor

Sum / summary

The function Summary creates a list of the number of occurrences of each field content in this column (for all rows, for selected rows and for the corresponding unselected rows).

The function Summary is available for all field types/columns.


As an example, the image shows the summary for all field contents of the PULocation_borough column and the occurrence of the respective borough of New York.

For a column with numeric fields, you can, in addition to the summary, determine the sum of all field contents (for all rows, for selected rows and for the corresponding unselected rows).

Auto filter

The auto filter can be used to shorten the displayed list. It is possible to add an auto filter to more than one column, as when sorting by column. In addition, a shortened list can still be sorted.

It is advisable to use the auto filter for field contents that occur more than once.

When opening the auto filter, all field contents will be highlighted. Select the field content you want to filter. The list can be sorted by a column.

Auto filter

The image shows an example of an auto filter for the field contents of the First registration column and the occurrence of the respective field contents, sorted by frequency.

This is what the list looks like after auto filtering:

Result auto filter

The image shows a list that uses a car filter: (1) sorted column vehicle type, (2) column first registration with auto filter, (3) number of rows that correspond to the auto filter

Bulk deletion of records

With the plugin Bulk deletion it is possible to delete several records at the same time.

  1. open or create a list or selection with records

  2. select the records you want to delete

  3. click the plugin button Bulk deletion in the quick launch bar

    The following window opens:

    Delete records

  4. click the button Delete Delete (or Cancel)

    The records will be deleted from the system.