A dashboard configuration consists of the name for the configuration (Name Configuration in the screenshot above left), one or more tabs (Tab1 Name, ...) and several labels (Label 1 to Label 3 in the screenshot), each of which can contain a filter or a graphic.
To arrange the various labels, the entire area of a tab is divided into a virtual grid consisting of freely definable rows and columns. The rows are numbered so that the columns are assigned letters, similar to spreadsheets. When configuring each label, the size must then be defined manually. For example, the entire area can be divided into 5 columns of 3 rows each, with Label 1 extending from A1 to A3, Label 2 from B1 to E1 and Label 3 from B2 to C2.
Configuration Process¶
Dashboards are configured using the integrated plugin Dashboard-Administrator. As soon as this plugin has been activated in a plugin template and assigned to a user account, the corresponding button is available in the quick start bar on the left-hand side.
- Two options are available on the first call. A new configuration is either created via the button
or imported via the button
- If a new configuration is created, the field
appears, here a name can be assigned to the dashboard. This name is also used for the assignment to user templates. This ensures that only certain dashboards are released to selected users.
- Once the name has been defined, new tabs can be created.
- Each tab is given a name in the input field, which should describe the content.
- The portal from which the selection results for the dashboard should originate is selected.
Data Sources¶
From the selected portal you can then select one or more entries as a data source.
Please note that a data source can also contain a filter. It is not possible for multiple data sources in a configuration to use the same filter. You must create separate filters for multiple data sources.
Portal Group¶
A portal group is a user-created compilation of portal configurations that are created and managed in the system settings. These groups can be assigned to a user via a start tab button. This means the user can only select from portals that are grouped together based on theme or functionality.
Portal Row¶
A portal row in a portal group is a level within a portal that contains selection results in the form of lists or pivot tables.
The Pivot setting is used to evaluate information based on a list in the form of pivot tables. It is based on the previously selected portal row.
In a pivot table created in the data source in the Uniplex Dashboard Admin, a filter can be applied to limit the data displayed. A filter is a condition set in the pivot definition and applied to the data in the pivot table. This means that only the data that meets the defined criteria will be displayed.
The screenshot illustrates which parts of a portal the individual settings within a portal refer to. You can individually select a group and a row from a portal, as well as add one or more pivots to the selected row. The filter may contain several fields from the list.
Once one or more data sources have been defined, the area for the individual labels (graphics or filters) is configured. First define the grid on which the individual labels are distributed.
Each label is assigned a title, the position in the grid, a display type, the reference to the data source and other display options.
1. Title¶
The title is the display name of the label in the dashboard (example: Label 1 etc. in the first screenshot).
2. Display Position¶
The display position refers to the position a label is displayed in the Dashboard Admin. A label is an area within a dashboard that contains a pivot table, a list or graphics. The display position defines both the order and size of the labels when the dashboard is opened.
3. Display Type¶
In the Dashboard Admin, there is the Display type settings area, which determines what type of graphic or filter is displayed in a label (an area within the dashboard). The available display types are:
Graph: the visual representation of data, as a bar chart, row chart or pie chart.
Filter: the displayed data is limited on the basis of conditions
4. Data Source¶
The data source setting specifies which pivot from the data sources area is to be used for the visualization.
5. Display Options¶
- The display options vary according to the selected display type. Some parameters are valid for all display types, whereas others are for specific types. Some display types, such as bar and row charts, allow the use of two value ranges so that a second size axis can be used.
Display Option Stacked bars and Normalized Stacked Bars
- category axis: refers to the horizontal baseline, the x-axis, offers options such as label rotation and staggering - both can only be used individually
- size axis: refers to the vertical, the y-axis, represents the vertical sizes that are displayed on the left (and/or right) in row and column charts
- size: defines the distance of the axis to the edge of the label for both axes
- gridlines: the display of vertical or horizontal auxiliary lines
- min/max values: determine whether these values are to be displayed in full on the respective axis
Display Option (grouped) Bars, Row
- category axis: refers to the horizontal baseline, the x-axis, offers options such as label rotation and staggering - both can only be used individually
- size axis: refers to the vertical, the y-axis, represents the vertical sizes that are displayed on the left (and/or right) in row and column charts
- size: defines the distance of the axis to the edge of the label for both axes
- gridlines: the display of vertical or horizontal auxiliary lines
- min/max values: determine whether these values should be displayed in full on the respective axis
- Circular/ring diagrams and tachometers provide fewer options, as no axes are defined here.
Display Option Circle & Ring
For circle/ring diagrams, only the field to be used for the size axis needs to be activated. You can optionally activate the legend and specify a percentage size for the ring opening if required.
- A speedometer is the representation of a value against a scale (from minimum to maximum). The scale may also be divided into several (also color-coded) sections.
Display Option Speedometer
The individual sections of a speedometer must be available as columns within the pivot list in the same way as the actual value in order to be able to activate them in this configuration. If the individual sections require color coding, the text color of a column must be configured in the pivot list. The colors you define there are used for the scaling.
Example Configuration¶
The newly created dashboard appears as follows:
Calling up the Dashboard after Configuration¶
Once successfully configured, the dashboard (2) can be called up via the burger button (1) on the main page.