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In addition to the Remote Admin, it is also possible to use the Command Line Admin (cip-admin-cli). You can use it to carry out almost all actions via the command line as with the Remote Admin.

  • Users can only be copied. If the CortexEngine instance is new and empty, the user template will be missing.
  • No user permissions can be granted for apps

Use only with stored DSA SSH key

When calling the CommandLine Admin, only the root user is authorized for permission. No user name is required, it is always "root. The public keys of other users can be stored in the user administration of the root user, only then can they start the CommandLine Admin. This must be done once in the Cortex-IP Remote Admin.

After the public part of the SSH key has been added to the user root, the private part must be added to the user at operating system level so that the SSH agent can read it. Under Linux and macOS, this is usually located under ~/.ssh, under Windows, for example, in the PuTTY agent.

Calling cip-admin-cli leads to a list of commands that can be executed in the same way as the Cortex-IP remote admin.

Permitted parameters
cip-admin-cli -s (--server) cortex server ip adress
cip-admin-cli. -p (--port)  cortex server tcp port (default: 29000)


-s, --server        arg  : cortex server ip adress
-p, --port          arg  : cortex server tcp port
-a, --start         arg  : start cortex server (0=normal mode, 1=import mode 1, 2=import mode 2)
-o, --stop               : stop cortex server
-b, --backup             : start database backup
-r, --restore       arg  : restore backup file
-R, --restore       arg  : restore backup file for slave
-f, --files              : get a list of backup files
-g, --reorg         arg  : reorganize database (0=full reorg, 1=report only)
-c, --chh                : initialize change history
-w, --wait          arg  : wait for server not being busy (opt. sleeptime in [ms], def=1000 ms)
-l, --license       arg  : import license file
-e, --reset              : reset all user licenses (use only with -l parameter)
-t, --status             : get server status (0=server stopped, 1=server started, 2=server in reorg)
-u, --user          arg  : copy user, syntax: template user (name or id -> must begin with 'uid='),new user name(/optional long name),(optional new user id)
-z, --xjz           arg  : import php project file (.xjz)
-P, --pw            arg  : change user password
-W, --webpw         arg  : change webuser password
-I, --webipw        arg  : change webuser initial password
-N, --reswupw       arg  : reset webuser password onto initial password
-d, --delete        arg  : delete user, user name or user id (-> must begin with 'uid=')
-j, --phplist            : get a list of php projects


If the password of the root user is admin, no private/public key is required. In this case the Command-Line-Admin can be executed without permission. It is extremely insecure to use the default password and is strongly discouraged in a production environment.